Monday, June 16, 2014

Day 3: Time to go

Dear Journal,
I'm beginning to think that I made a mistake by staying here. I'm scared. There is not much that I can do other than sit and watch as these monsters do what they do. Kill and feast, kill and feast. Oh God, help me to know what to do.
There seem to be more and more of them showing up daily, and if I DO stay here, there is no guarantee that if I do want to leave, I can make it out alive. I will need food, clothing, supplies.
Where will I go?
Where all are these monsters?
Would I be able to find ANYWHERE that is safe???

I can't stay long. I must go. I need to start packing and hope to God that I can get these things to my truck and get out of here. I'll come back and write some more later....


Well, night has fallen. I've got most everything into the truck. I had a few close calls. I took the baseball bat that the jerk left here and carried it with me everywhere I went outside. I don't know what to think of this. I keep telling myself that I'm making a horrible decision. That I should stay and wait for help. But what if there is no help? What if everything is gone? I've continuously tried calling the police, but there is never an answer. At times it doesn't even ring. What exactly does that mean?
Is the entire county gone? Are they all dead?
Well, journal, I hate to do this, but I want to be out of here before it gets too late. Maybe everything is okay a few towns over. Maybe even I'll have to drive up state. Good thing I've got a full tank of gas, because I don't see a gas station as a convenient option right now.
Journal, wish me luck. I'm about to do something beyond stupid and I hope to hell that I survive this until it's over. I don't want to be one of those freaks.
I'll be bringing you with me, I need you right now. You are my outlet, my saving grace. Being able to put these words down is the only thing that is keeping me from losing my mind completely right now.

Wish me luck.


Day 2: Scared shitless

Dear Journal,
What the hell is going on? I swear, I don't know anything anymore. I'm watching as the world I live in is literally going to hell. These things ARE hell. I still haven't left my house, the local TV stations are no longer on the air, the radio is all emergency broadcasts saying to stay inside and that help is coming. But my question to myself is, do I believe them?
I have not seen a living person all day, aside from the one that stabbed one of these things in the chest, all it did was make it made and it attacked him. Now he's one of these monsters. Who was he? I don't really know. I've seen him before, but never made an introduction. What does it matter now? He's a cannibal freak just like the rest of them, eating people and shuffling along the streets.
One tried to get in my house this morning. You could hear it scratching at the door, trying to turn the door knob, luckily I have always been so paranoid that my doors are all deadbolted. Is that even a word? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't think my journal cares much if I have proper spelling and grammar in it. It's not exactly a published book.
I'm too scared to leave, yet too scared to stay. Where would I go? Could I even make it out the door? Maybe these things will leave or die and it will all be better again. Lucky for me, I just went grocery shopping a few days ago, because I don't think a trip to the market is on my new agenda.

Oh God, so I took a break from writing. I walked to the window and got a close up look of these things. One is now trying to get in through the window, and I think there are more coming. I screamed and they all looked this way. Oh God, oh God, I'm so scared and I don't know what to do. These things look like monsters. Flesh is peeling away from their skin. It's changed colors, like a white and gray color. Their eyes just LOOK dead. You can see that they are. There is no life left in them anywhere. Just soulless monsters that want to eat you.
The bites around them have black veins coming from around them. You can see what used to be their blood, now black. You look at them and see that, then see the red blood on them knowing that it was not from them. It was someone they killed.

Oh God, I don't know what to do. I'm scared. I'm too afraid to move right now. What if too many of them come? What will I do?
I will die.

Scared Shitless Jenna

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 1: What the hell is going on?

Dear Journal,
Today I am coming with a bit of a different matter than most days. Sure, most of the time I'm talking about the bastard that left me, how lonely I am, how much my job sucks or how I want to lose that muffin top. I'm honest with myself at least. But today, man, today is different. People are going crazy!
I don't know why I'm writing. Is it habit? Is it from simply being too scared to do anything else? I don't know for sure, but I know that writing does help me to escape for a while. And right now, I need that escape.
It seems the neighborhood is going to hell. I watched as my neighbor, you know, Mrs. Looms, attacked her in-home nurse. Poor Mandy, I don't know what came into her, but sweet little 86 year old Mrs. Looms went straight for Mandy's throat! IN THE FRONT YARD! I watched, screaming of course, as she literally ripped her throat out. The worst part is, it looked as if she was eating her. Just, I don't know, gnawing away at Mandy's body.
Then down the road, I saw the same thing. Mr. Thomas was attacked by the neighbor. He went after Mr. Thomas and ripped a huge chunk of his arm off. Then the crazy part is, it seemed that hours later, they were coming back and doing the same thing that happened to them.
The news has been talking the last few days about some strange epidemic that seems to be sweeping across the country, even maybe the whole world, but for some strange reason, no one knows what it is. I tried calling the police, but there was no answer. Are there even any more police? After what I've seen, I wouldn't be surprised if my entire town were these... things... after today. I've barricaded myself in my house. Moved the armoir and a few other larger things in front of my windows, took the hammer and nails that the cheating bastard left here and nailed stuff to front door so it couldn't be opened. This is one time that I'm really thankful for my tiny house with barely any windows.
I don't know what's going on outside right now, I haven't looked. Well, honestly, I've been too afraid to look. What if one of those things see me? Yes, things. Those are not people. They used to be, but not anymore. They are sadistic cannibals that have come back from the dead. I know that Mandy was dead after Mrs. Looms attacked her. I watched from my window as she died, no one would help her. I was too afraid to go outside. Besides, there was nothing I could have done.
Journal, I need to go now. I'm honestly too shaky to keep writing any more. Wish me luck. At least you know.... If I'm writing, I'm still alive.